Do’s and Don’ts of DIY Pressure Cleaning

Do’s and Don’ts of DIY Pressure Cleaning

If you regularly browse through social media, you’re likely to have found the occasional video of the wonders of pressure cleaning in action. Not only are they satisfying in an almost ASMR-like fashion, but the cleaners often make it look like child’s play. In reality, pressure cleaning is neither child’s play nor is it as easy as these videos make it out to be. That’s why we’ve prepared a list of do’s and don’ts of DIY pressure cleaning so that you can have a more satisfying experience than a frustrating one.


  • Try out the device in a safe location before applying it to a surface. This can prevent permanent damage to surfaces by allowing you to adjust the pressure and the nozzle in accordance with the surface you intend to clean beforehand.
  • Test the pressure and nozzle once more in a corner or inconspicuous area of the surface before having a go at it. Just in case your initial adjustments weren’t correct, you can avoid applying too much or too little pressure to the surface.
  • Remove all fragile items from the area in which you are working.
  • Cover nearby plants and vegetables or spray them with water before working so that bleach or other chemicals do not kill or damage them.
  • Start low, go high if necessary. Like adding salt to a soup, it’s better to gradually add a little at a time and adjust up if necessary than to start off with too high a setting.
  • Aim the nozzle at the surface from a distance of about 30-50 cm at first. You can go closer as needed, but start from a distance at first.
  • Clean surfaces using uniform, sweeping motions. Slow and steady movements back and forth (with overlap) will reduce streaks and apply a uniform clean to the surface.
  • Use the right equipment for the job. This includes a mask and goggles to protect your face, comfortable clothes that permit flexible movements, and slip-resistant boots or shoes to avoid slips and falls due to the accumulation of cleaning agents and water.


  • Hold your pressure washer with a weak grip. Pressure washers are powerful devices, which means that you should hold a steady and firm grip on the handle at all times.
  • Use the device to clean pets or children (or anyone for that matter). High-powered, pressurised water can be damaging to skin and fur, so don’t even think about doing this.
  • Bother using hot water. Hot water is helpful for cleaning dishes, but the water from a pressure washer doesn’t need to be hot at all to do what it does best.
  • Use the wrong chemicals for the cleaning job. Always read the instructions and directions carefully for any cleaning agent and ensure you are using the right quantity and that you’re using it on the right type of surface.
  • Clean windows. Pressure washers may seem like a great way to thoroughly clean all dirt and debris efficiently from windows. Yes, they can, but they can just as easily crack and shatter windows under the intense pressure. Avoid doing this and wash windows by hand instead.

Pressure Cleaning Sydney

Using a pressure washer yourself isn’t very complicated, but it’s also quite easy to cause permanent damage if even one precaution isn’t followed closely. Instead of taking the risk, contact Pressure Cleaning Sydney to get the job done quickly, thoroughly, and professionally.

2023-09-11T05:26:54+00:00 March 5th, 2020|Cleaning Blogs|